Let's talk Detroit Lions for a moment. The NFL free agent signing period started on friday. Now concidering the lions set a new record for worst team ever last year 0-16, they are looking to fill almost every position either through free agency or a few through the draft. That being said, any free agents that are any good, don't want to come to Detroit. And who can blame them...i mean 0-16 season last year doen't offer much hope for the upcoming season. Especially when Detroit makes every good player look average. Sure, we can offer them more money, but so can teams that won like 3-6 games last season. And a team that won a few games last season has a way better chance to make the playoffs this year.
There are really only 2 types of free agents that the Lions will be able to attract (and we'll have to overpay for either one)
1. The older veteran that has overstayed his welcome in the league. This is a guy who you may recognize his name from 5-7 years ago, but his play has stedily declined for the last couple seasons. He comes to Detroit for one last big paying contract, because no other team will take him. He's probably also very injury prone. I tend to want to stay away from these guys...cough culpepper cough ect.
2. The younger player who has been in the leauge maybe 3 years. He has been a back-up in his position for his whole career, and has a hunger to be a starting player in the NFL. He comes ot the Lions because of the pay, but also because a second string player on any other team could certainly become a starter for an 0-16 team. This group of men shows more promise than the first, but you really have to get lucky for them to end up earning their contract. But they do have a good work ethic and drive to better themselves. aka the CB we just got from the Titans.
So far the Lions have picked up:
2 corner backs
1 Running back
1 wide reciever
P.S. - we almost landed Jay Cutler in a trade...it fell through (after all we are talking about the LIONS front office) but holy smokes...that would have been awsome. Here's hoping they can still get a deal done
-chuck out
"cutler to johnson, touchdown!"
I think you'd hear quite a bit of that sentance.
especially because now our #1 and #2 Recievers are named "johnson"
uhmmmm. how about that little seattle aquisition we just made for 5 time pro bowler julian petterson.
who do you want for the number one pick.
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