Friday, January 16, 2009

Man, this global warming is really making me cold!

I am always blown away at how easy it is to sway the general public's view in a certain direction. Take global warming for example... whether you beleive it or not is irrelivant. (even though it's a hoax). What's amazing is how fast it becomes the biggest issue disscust by the general public. In 2003 global warming didn't exsist...or at least we haden't ever heard of it. Then, some polititians go on the news backed by a bunch of scientists saying it's going to destroy the earth. The next day...everyone believes the world is going to end unless we do something drastic fast!

Are we that stupid as a society that we belive anything that a democratic polition tells us on TV? "i saw it on TV, so it must be true". Maybe back in the day the news that was reported could be trusted...but that day is long past. The sooner we all realize that, the better off we'll be.

And another thing...we are setting records all over the country for new low temperatures well as average temperatures for december and now january. cooling! Heads up everyone, because an ice-age is upon us unless we start driving our cars more! Everyone go out and get a huge gas guzzling SUV, or else we are all doomed!

Someone better tell Al Gore that we need a new documentary made...and fast. Before it's too late!

-chuck out


james klassen said...

I really enjoy how they have changed it to "climate change" just so they can cover both sides. So either way we are headed towards catastrophe. I think you should make the new documentary before he does, there is a good buck in that racket!

Chuck D said...

It's true james...i could make millions.

On a side note...those cows farting is really killing our climate. no one should eat red meat anymore...unless of course your a real man.