Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What democracy?

Is anyone else outraged and apalled by what is happening this week in our canadain government!?

For those of you that live in caves, and haven't heard the news, here's what's going down:

Basically, to make a long story short, the liberals have decided to get into bed with the NDP, and the Bloc. They singed documents to make what is called a coilition. With all three parties joined together, they are putting in a "vote of no confidence" for the conservative leadership. Basically saying "we now have more seats, so you can't be our leader anymore." Then Harper will be thown out as our Prime minister, and Dion will take over until the liberals elect a new leader in may.

Maybe my memory isn't very good, but did Harper not just defeat Dion in the election like 2 months ago!? What the heck is this crap. I'll tell you what it is...a huge Power/Money grab on the part of the liberals and NDP. And in the process, the bloc can get whatever they want...they are holding the nessesary seats to give this colition the majority of seats.

What happened to democracy? Now the fate of who the primeminister will be rests not with the general public, but with one woman, the governor general. She can (from what i understand) kind of say no to the whole deal...or let it happen.

I had no idea this kind of crap was even allowed. Since when do we have a leader in a democratic country chosen not by the people, but by buerocrats. This is madness!

I have a tonn more to say on this topic, but maybe you should ask me in person or by e-mail...most people wouldn't want to hear what i have to say about it.

-chuck out


james klassen said...

im as outraged as you are. not necessarily at the idea of a coalition government, in the right time by the right people its a good thing....

this however is not the right time! and dion, layton, and duceppe are definitely not the right people! the opposition has railed the conservatives for spending the "liberals" surplus that they only got by over-taxing, but now they plan on spending three times as much on stimulous packages that we have seen not work in the u.s. and the unions in the auto sector!

but really it has nothing to do with the economy, its just three sore losers trying to make a grab at power becuase the liberals are canada's "natural governing party"

Whats even more maddening is dion saying to the public that he "has the right to be prime minister" how the heck does he come up with that? he was just outright rejected by canada in the worst results that the liberals got since canadas confederation. you or i have more right to be prime minister than he does, atleast we wouldnt let a separatist party make canadas decisions.

Luckily the governor general usually acts on the advise of the prime minister, and somehow dion would have to try to convince her that this three headed monster of a coalition would be stable...

sorry, you probably know most if not all of this, i just had to vent.

Chuck D said...

I agree with you james, but i didn't think about this until this morning:

Harper will try to suspend parliment until january when he rolls out his new budget right? He'll probably succeed in that...probably

If the Coalition doesn't implode by then, his new budget will be outright rejected, and the 3 knobs (duceppe, Layton and Dion) will go for a "vote of no confidence" again.

I agree, I can't see the Governor General giving power to these three guys, so it will be back to the polls for us again, but this time Harper has a way better shot for a majority because Canadians will be upset with the other 3 parties.

Is this a super high risk political move for HArper? Is this all intentional...baiting the other parties with no stimulous package, and cutting government money to all political parties? Is this what he was hoping for?

Jon Bartel said...

mmm.. i've been doing some reading on this to get up to speed. so far as i can currently see, it seems rather inappropriate that this is happening. i understand that it is constitutionally allowed. but i don't understand how we can have a situation in which we'd have a prime minister who was not successful in his attempt to be elected on his own merits. or, more-so, who was in fact soundly defeated to a greater extent in the latest election than in his first go-around. that seems entirely ridiculous.

additionally, i find it amusing when people misuse facts on either side, or terminology, in an effort to make a point. for example, i've come across various facebook groups labeled 'I WAS PART OF THE 63% MAJORITY THAT DIDN'T VOTE FOR HARPER..'

that's completely unsound logic. you weren't part of a majority... that isn't how it works. this idea of everybody taking sides and suddenly becoming team-members against one common goal.. that's so... offside. if you were a Dion supporter, then you voted Liberal. if you were a layton supporter, then you were from winds... i mean... then you voted NDP. there isn't a box labeled 'against Harper' on the ballot.

and finally, i'm tired of the lack of humility and humanity in canadian politics. i don't think it's idealism to suggest that these guys really can and should act like adults. the concept of holding people to a higher standard in the way they carry themselves and do their business applies to every facet of society, it seems, except for politics. we all nod our heads solemnly and echo our disgust as Sean Avery is suspended indefinitely for making pseudo sexual remarks about an ex-girlfriend in an interview with TSN. 'That's just OVER the LINE.'

and yet political banter in this country is cruel, ruthless, completely disrespectful, and entirely without any level of understanding or LISTENING at all. if you're from Toronto, you hate harper. if you're from montreal or vancouver, you hate harper. if you're from anywhere else, you hate every other party. and we ALL hate those damn quebec separatists and wish they would just bugger off and never be a part of our country ANYWAY. if you're from windsor, you love jack layton. how is this any different than grade school playground tussles? it is not my friends, it is not.

we pay politicians to act like children. leaders, unfortunately, are busy doing other things, like running corporations or aid and relief thrusts.

