Friday, December 5, 2008

But I want one!

It seems that nowadays every Christmas there becomes one toy that every kid thinks they NEED. And some dumb parents agree with them. The first year i remember this happening was with "tickle me elmo". You rememeber seeing it on the news...a store would get a shipment of them in, and crazy parents would stand in line outside waiting for the doors to open. When they did, it was an all out brawl between insane parents trying to get there hands on one. The ones that weren't lucky enough to push themselves to the front of the line then went home and bought them on E-bay for hundreads of dollars.

For a stupid DOLL that laughted when you touched it!!!

Then last year (and this year to a lesser extent) it was the Wii Console. Fights break out, people get hospitalized, and a few even die by being trampled. And for what? Do these people think they would be bad parents if their kid didn't get the newest trend?

And these big companies don't do much to help either...they spend huge dollars on marketing, then claim they "can't meet the demand". No, it's not that they can't meet the demand, it's that if they purposley don't ship as many as they need, so that the value of the product skyockets. And dumb people fall for it hook line and sinker. Take this year for example... in september every store had wii's for sale. It was easy to buy one for a cheap price. People were selling them used pretty cheap as well. Then toward the end of November...stores started running out, and now people fight over them, and pay top dollar to get one. Did Nintendo not know that it is Christmas time? Did their production manager just totally forget that they'd need more during this time? Is there no Christmas in Japan? I doubt it.

Don't get me wrong, i don't blame these companies. They are just doing whatever they can to sell their product. That's what companies do. What i do blame is lack of common scense fromt the buyers. People are nuts.

When i was a kid, i don't remember any of this happeneing. I don't remember there being fights over kids toys, or lines outside stores. Maybe there was...

-chuck out

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What democracy?

Is anyone else outraged and apalled by what is happening this week in our canadain government!?

For those of you that live in caves, and haven't heard the news, here's what's going down:

Basically, to make a long story short, the liberals have decided to get into bed with the NDP, and the Bloc. They singed documents to make what is called a coilition. With all three parties joined together, they are putting in a "vote of no confidence" for the conservative leadership. Basically saying "we now have more seats, so you can't be our leader anymore." Then Harper will be thown out as our Prime minister, and Dion will take over until the liberals elect a new leader in may.

Maybe my memory isn't very good, but did Harper not just defeat Dion in the election like 2 months ago!? What the heck is this crap. I'll tell you what it is...a huge Power/Money grab on the part of the liberals and NDP. And in the process, the bloc can get whatever they want...they are holding the nessesary seats to give this colition the majority of seats.

What happened to democracy? Now the fate of who the primeminister will be rests not with the general public, but with one woman, the governor general. She can (from what i understand) kind of say no to the whole deal...or let it happen.

I had no idea this kind of crap was even allowed. Since when do we have a leader in a democratic country chosen not by the people, but by buerocrats. This is madness!

I have a tonn more to say on this topic, but maybe you should ask me in person or by e-mail...most people wouldn't want to hear what i have to say about it.

-chuck out