Friday, September 26, 2008

Milk This!

Today, i'd like to talk about a subject that is normally not talked about in public arenas such as this...breast milk. I know, a topic you were all dying for me to get to...

In traditional circles, a nursing mothers milk is used to feed their baby. Seems simple enough right? It's proven that a mothers milk contains not only nutrients the baby needs, but also anti-bacterias that the baby hasn't yet produced on it's own...something that can't be gotten from "formula". You're all going "ok chuck, what the heck are you getting at?"

Ice cream is made from cow's milk (some for goats milk, but it must be labelled as such). We as North Americans raise cows, and milk them to enjoy a cold glass of cream...cheese...ect.

I know, so far a very random blog. But here's what ties it all together. Our friends at PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) have sent a proposal to Ben and Jerry's saying that instead of using cow's milk for ice cream, they should use human milk from a nursing mother. Sighting that milking cow's is cruel.

Don't beleive's the article link.

Now, let's break this down for a moment. Milking cows is cruel, but milking humans is ok? Even if milking humans means that you baby (that needs breast milk) will have to go without? And what about orphans? Some kind women donate their breast milk so that abandoned baby's will be able to have milk as well. Should they donate to ice cream instead?

And lets examine how cruel it is to milk cows... Cows that have been milked actually NEED to be milked. If you miss a milking, it becomes extrememly uncomfortable for the cow. Sort of like you having to go to the bathroom, but not being able to go. And if you wait long enough before milking, the milk goes sour, in turn causing bacteria in the cows udder, in turn leading to something called "mastitis". This could also lead to death of the cow.

Here are some pictures of cows with "mastitis". But be warned the pictures are pretty gross. Don't click on this link unless you are ready to view graphic pictures

Leave it to PETA to come up with something so stupid. Those people need to be put in a pen with hungry live aligators...then see how "ethically" they want to treat animals...

-chuck out

p.s. if you have disagreements with my opinions on this, or any other blog....don't e-mail me...i'm far to busy and important for your stupidity

1 comment:

Jon Bartel said...

i feel a little dirty after reading this...