Tuesday, September 9, 2008

speed of light?

Some of you may or may not be aware of the fact that there has been much talk recently of a large hadron collider, and particle accelerators. The reason for all this buzz is that underground the switzeralnd border this "large hadron collider or "LHC"" has been built, and the first trial run is to happen tommorow. This machine is massive...like 17 kms long.

My fist question is probably the same as yours..."what the heck is it?" Well, due to my limmited grasp of intense physics, my lack of adequite reserch, and general stupidity, i am unable to really explain it. But hey, when has that ever stopped me from trying...here goes...

To put this in terms that even i can understand...basically this huge "LHC" will be able to produce super intense energy beams...then smash them together. Something like taking bullet trains at 500mph, and smashing them together...only without using the trains...confusing right? this is only the beggining.

Ever heard of the elusive "higgs boston" or even what they call a "standard model" yeah, me neither... but let me cut to the chase...

Scientists are trying to predict what exactly will happen when they fire this baby up. The majority of people are anticipating tiny tiny black holes that are so unstable they will vanish almost instantly. Black holes? sounds crazy right? Not nearly as crazy as what some scientists are predicting.

Here's the list of different predictions..all from well respected scientists...not from crazy preople: (keep in mind i'm putting them is terms i can understand...they use bigger words)

- these "tiny black holes" will not be so unstable, and will grow and suck the planet into themselves...

- will rip open time and space as we know it exposing up to 11 or 12 dimentions on earth that were previously hidden

- we will see for the first time ever the building blocks of time travel.

There are more, but you get the idea. This is stuff out of a drugged up star trek movie.

Want to know what i think will happen...they'll fire up this machine...they'll collide their first energy beam, and the machine will wreck. Done. Billions and billions of dollars spent...just so they can destroy what they built.

Black holes...time travel...? look it up, i'm not kidding.

Just in case i'm wrong, and tommorow the earth will be sucked ito some black hole, and time travel will be enabled...better wear a lead vest like the ones they make your wear when you get x-rays...you never know what those beam things could do to your reproductive capability.

-chuck out

1 comment:

james klassen said...

i dont know much eitehr, just thought i'd add information that i have gathered from reading and from people who are way smarter than me.

its actually 27 kms in circumference.

the energy beam is made of protons (subatomic particles)

those two trains would not be going 500 mph an hour, but rather 99.99% the speed of light (670 616 629.4 mph)

some scientists suggest that when something (even as small as a subatomic particle)travel the speed of light the mass becomes infinite

its actually "higgs boson" or "the god particle" they think that it has no substructure therefore, the most basic building block to everything

time travel into the future is theoretically possible (but not in the sense that we see in enjoyable flicks such as back to the future) its made possible by either gravity or fast enough speed, (see einstein's theory of relativity) in short, clocks that are moving are slower than clocks that are stationary, the faster they move the slower time is. so if someone travels in a space craft at the speed of light for 5 years while 5 years have moved by for us, only 1 and a half would have moved by for him

there are all sorts of formulas for this